Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dam It!

Slacker and Bossy Beaver


  1. Where have i seen these before? Keeper suddenly comes to mind.

  2. Yes! Johnny McCann posted these drawings on his website when he and Paul Rugg recorded some improv vocal tracks for a bunch of cartoon characters I drew. As shown here...

    And then Keeper zeroed in on the beavers and recorded some vocal tracks of his own, which can be heard here on YouTube.

    Life is a cabaret!

  3. Y'know, this reminds me. I also came up with a scene after seeing a couple bird characters of yours (namely "Poe" who looked so depressed, I thought he would say "whatevermore", thus I created a scene in which he said nothing but that).

    I never did do any sort of video with that recording. I could cobble one together and use it to advertise your blog/artpage here...

  4. "Whatevermore": The raven dialog of the 21st century. Funny! Advertise away, but only if you have the time and energy to do so...

  5. Thanks for the link Tom. Did you ever get to animating them? Sorry, I'm too lazy to look. Sure, I'd advertise for you, but, on my blog ( btw :) ) But i'd only be telling John, and one other person. I just want to say that I really appreciate you, and the others doing these blogs. It gives me the chance to see that y'all are just regular everyday people (well, Maybe not Paul) but he's nice to. I look forward to seeing mire drawings, and comics Tom. Oh, and Keeper, PLEASE make that video, that would be, amazing

  6. Awesome Keeper, and Tom of course!

  7. I know another possible reason why Luke thought of Keeper....Keeper posted an Animaniacs writer's bible from Nov. 1991 that mentions two characters named "Bossy Beaver and Doyle."

    Is this that beaver, or was it a different one?

  8. these are indeed different beavers...and different drawings...
