Monday, September 5, 2011

Animaniacs Temporary Tattoos #3

This sticker is remarkable just for the fact that Chicken Boo actually made it into some Animaniacs  merchandising.  I also like the concept that Yakko is taking Plotz's convertible for a joy ride.    


  1. That Chicken Boo one is awesome. I don't think I've seen that one. "Boo. Chicken Boo."

  2. He's a giant chicken, I tell you! A chicken!

  3. these are pretty cool. Should I tatoo that one of Dot to my chest?

  4. In the Chicken Boo cartoons, why does everyone get mad at him when they see he is a giant chicken? First, off anyone with half a brain cell can see he is a chicken even with his disguises. Second, I personally don't give a darn if he is a giant chicken, so long as he does his job right, I have no problem and no one else should have a problem either!
